NOAA Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service for
Ohio River at Pomeroy, OH
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for Pomeroy, OH
Data on this page supplied from the NOAA website.
Flood Water Impacts at Pomeroy, OH
42 ft - Action stage. Low
spot in the parking lot is flooded near the boat ramp. 46 ft
- Pomeroy parking lots and the river ampitheater are
flooded along river. Main street starts to flood. Some secondary roads
are flooded due to backwater. 48 ft - Businesses
along river in Pomeroy start to flood. Main street is flooded. Homes
near the Pomeroy-Mason bridge on the West Virginia side start to flood.
50 ft - Pomeroy businesses along main street are
flooded. Park and boat ramp in Mason WV are flooded. 58 ft
- Pomeroy Courthouse begins to flood. Court and Lynn Streets and 2nd
Avenue are flooded. Most of Pomeroy is flooded.
